Most people that I know think that America should be open to immigrants. People who don't want to allow immigrants into the country apparently don't know two things
1) America was founded by immigrants.
2) There is no fundamental differences between "us" and "them." Immigrants are the same as us, just sometimes speaking in a different language.
After the governor of Arizona signed the law, protests started.
To be fair to people who believe that America needs tougher immigration reform, I do have an easy situation to look at immigration from an ideological standpoint. I live in a northern state far from the borders of the Mexican and southern and Central American countries that produce illegal immigrants. Most importantly, illegal immigrants do not effect me the same way that they do everyone. Sure, I pay for healthcare if an illegal alien shows up in an ER, but I don't have it that bad. My parents are both college educated. I plan on having a white collar job which will not be in competition with the majority of illegal immigrants.
What do you think of immigration?
This is unrelated, but you might find this interesting: