It appears that there may be a totally uniform rule of what students need to learn to pass each grade and eventually graduate. ON the one hand, this will certainely help create a better environment of equality for all schools, because they will all have the same graduation requirements.
On the other hand, I have to wonder if classes like our AS would survive. On top of that, will having the same graduation requirements really make American schooling equal. There is, to begin with, discrepancy in the way that classes are taught and tests are written. On top of that, at a competitive school like New Trier, students, I believe, will be more likely to graduate with classes that far exceed the graduation requirements.
So, I guess I don't support this standardization; it seems that it will do more bad than good. I think that what we really need is a total rethink of American eduacational values. We need to consider (and please respond in the comments) why we go to school, what an education is good for, if we want every student to receive exactly the same education, and if we want to reduce the succesfulness of our system to a few test scores.
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