From my own research, I know that this bill will insure another 30 million or so Americans (though I am not sure how). It will also tighten restrictions on the way that insurance companies can ration coverage. Beyond that, I'm not sure that it does that much to change our country into a socialists state.
From my fiscally conservative mom, I have learned that this bill is "longer than sin" and that no one really knows what is in it. I would say that most bills are very long, so I'm not exactly sure what her argument is there. Also, I cannot corroborate that no one has read it. In fact, I found this eloquently laid out (if possibly biased) site that explains the bill in clear english and less than a page.
My dad tells me that this bill will help to lower costs overall for everyone. Instead of paying for the uninsured when you go to the emergency room (that is why you get charged $150 for an aspirin and a "walk it off"), we will more efficiently spread the money throughout the healthcare system in a way that will cut out waste. According to him, there is also a bipartisan think tank that concluded that the bill will save money compared to the current system. I can't remember the name, but I will ask him and update this post.
So overall, I think that the argument against the bill has been hyperbole. I am not a big fan of the social issues that republicans stand on, and therefore tend to prefer to disagree with them on fiscal issues as well (we all like to be told that we are right). According to this post, I think I support the bill, but if you have arguments to the contrary, fill me in.
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