Oh dear...

Oh dear...

Favorite Post Q4

My favorite post from quarter three is my post entitled "Gross
National Happiness."

I think that this post did a successful job of combining succinct descriptions of unknown terms with links to more elaborate descriptions. I also think that I did a good job of mixing my own theories with those of the hosts of "Stuff You Should Know."

Thursday, March 25, 2010

Literal Fear Mongering...

A lot of people argued that the Bush Administration took part in fear mongering to push their agenda through.  Of course I have my opinions on that, but what about companies fear mongering.  Surely no one would buy into that...

Wait, of course they do.  Lots of people buy security systems, yet I was unable to find any real study that found that there was any real correlation between being protected by a sercurity system and lowering your chances of being robbed.  My family locks our doors and our house has never been robbed.  There has been one robbery on my block in my lifetime, and that house had an ADT sign in the front yard.

Why do people buy in, lets take a look at the always relevant Sarah Haskins.

I would be willing to bet that the majority of people who have security systems are either single mothers or a couple and that very few are men.  These comercials love to target women.  Aparently it works, because they keep doing it.

1 comment:

  1. I think that the main reason people invest in security systems and the like, is for piece of mind more than anything. Likewise, my family generally locks our doors and we've never been robbed. Although it is interesting, my mom often forgets to lock up (she grew up in Lake Bluff), and my dad never does (he grew up in Chicago). But while I'm not one to comment on the effectiveness of security systems, those companies do tend to use scare tactics and target women to get people to buy their products.
