This leads me to a question; why do we trust our leaders so little. I think that there are two reasdons that we trust them less now than ever before. I don't think that corruption has anything to do with it, government has always been a little corrupt.
The first reason that we distrust our politicians: the transparency of new technologies. In the time of "honest Abe" there were no TVs or websites or blogs or even radios. Because of this, the only way to hold meetings was behind closed doors where anything could happen. Without C-span, no one knows what happened (written reports can easily be fudged or not taken down for certain meetings). Beyond that, there is the ease with which old technologies are dispersed. Think about the number of books regarding government corruption come out every month. It is an astonishingly high number.

I definately think that having intensified views over our elected officials is important, but as I said in my post Elect The Unqualified, I think that personal lives are irrelevant to an elected official's credentials.
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