At the CPAC convention, Glenn Beck gave a speech where he argued that the only difference between revolution and evolution is the amount of time it takes. You know what, the grown man who cries and makes animated voices is right. He may have been part of the liberal elite until Fox News offered him a paycheck that was bigger than CNN's, but he knows what he is talking about.
That was sarcasm. I disagree wildly with Beck. Progression is what keeps our nation 'moving forward.' Let's take a look at countries that aren't as progressed as the US. Iran, beating your wife is legal, racism is sanctioned. It looks like what conservatives want for America is to make a mini Iran.
OK, that was unfair, maybe conservatives want monetary conservatism. Lets look at countries that have little restrictions on the way that companies do buisness. China (ignore their communist title, they have one of the most 'free' markets in the world) or India should be good examples. Sure, they may be getting all of our jobs, but what are they losing. Child labor is legal. There is an elite of far less that a half a percent surrounded by immense poverty. So, what republicans want is feudalism and child labor. I'm learning a lot.

Obviously this may appear unfair to say that republicans want all the things that as a nation we claim to abhor, but I don't know about that. I don't understand why republicans can't seem to notice that practical applications of total market freedom don't work and that what we really need is a balance of socialist (I intentionally didn't use a euphemism) and free market principles.
As for social reforms, Republicans, who count on votes from say women (and employ tokens like Palin) and blacks (and employ tokens like steele) can't say that they want to go back on those reforms, but they gotta keep as many as possible from getting through.
Unfair, probably, but I can't see any other explanation. Please, help me see.
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