There were those whom it seems easy to argue for, like the Nazi who asked for forgiveness and showed remorse. A little more difficult to justify are those who felt no remorse, those who had no morals, a subject also touched upon by Wiesenthal.
Consider this rather abstract idea: all “morals” are social constructs. Are there not societies that have glorified slavery, incest, polygamy, polyandry, group marriages, pedophilia, female circumcision, female inequality, racial inequality, prostitution, torture and other seemingly perverse institutions? It seems imperceptive of a well-educated American to argue that our morals are inherently right. I do agree with most all of the morals promoted by my society, but it would appear that judging the morals of other societies is not only questionably immoral in and of itself (the possible beginnings of colonialism) but also very difficult as you have been indoctrinated in some sort of society.
An easy argument to refute my last argument is that no one is killed because of any of the aforementioned “perverse institutions.” Who are you to judge which is more “immoral,” enslaving and torturing another human or killing him? What, on a fundamental level makes murder the most capitol of all crimes?
It seems odd that as Americans we are so fast to judge, when we do so many things that are immoral. When was the last time you bought something made in a sweatshop. Our country was started by a genocide, according to the UN definition of Genocide(see article 2: C, D, E). Some might argue that the 300 year difference excused the founding fathers’ actions. On the contrary, the difference in years shows how American morals have changed and how susceptible we are to a change in morals. You may argue that on a fundamental level, the civil rights movement was a good thing, but why. Is there a fundamental reason that we should all be equal or is it engrained in my society?
My rabbi argued that,”anytime one society seeks to extinct or remove another society, that is wrong,” regardless of morals. Does this mean that our country was founded without morals? If our country was founded without morals what implications does this have on the way we “govern” and “spread democracy” throughout the world?