Despite Bush's (rather embarrassing) history in the military, he had no problem calling himself a "Wartime President." He has no idea what serving in the military, how can he know how to act as a Commander-in-Chief. To me this seems like asking a pig farmer to pilot a plane... set up for disaster.
My big problem with this term is that being a good army leader is so much more than understanding strategy, it is understanding how deploying an extra 21,000 troops (as Obama did earlier this year) tears apart families, friendships, and lives; sometimes for a few months or years, sometimes for an eternity.
Clinton, in his relatively infamous letter to the ROTC recruiter, he states that he was against the war in Vietnam and strongly implies that he is against all war. It seems hypocritical that years later, as president, he attacked the Balkans now that he isn't the one doing the killing or in the way of death.

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