A lot of people point to Kanye West's breakdown at whatever award show when he said whatever idiotic thing he said as proof of the degradation of discourse in the US. Really!? This is the best example you can think of.
I think that the death of discourse has been upon us for a long time and been evident in social events much more pertinent than a man who wears sunshade glasses' actions. Lets start with what I mean by death of discourse. I mean that Americans don't know how to argue politely anyomre. We only see people we agree with and therefore we never know the proper way to act around those that don't agree with us, as seen in a documentary that I saw recently, called Split:
A divide in America. It speaks of how America's voting habits have become more and more polarizing between the blue and red.

One doesn't have to look at voting patterns to see that American arguments have degraded into ridiculous caricatures that in no way further an argument. A friend of mine likes to wear his Obama is a socialist. When I ask him to explain any reason for the shirt and its message, he simply says that he doesn't want to start an argument. Why would anyone where such a controversial shirt without being prepared to back it up with some sort of logical argument. Furthermore, whats the point of holding an opinion whilst being to lazy to voice it.
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