I get it; help the disenfranchised, expand government, limit personal freedoms. Again, not exactly what democrats believe.
I agree with alot of democrat principles, but I am starting to wonder why we have a two party system. To me, it seems like the parties have strict rules about fiscal policy (that they ignore) and then they just randomly decide on everything else.
It is nice and easy to have a simple polar split between democrat and republican. If you supported the War on Terror, you are a republican. If not, you are a democrat. Though there was little evidence of a need to be looking in Iraq, I'm not sure if invading Afghhanistan was a bad idea. I don't know who decided that war was a republican's job, and where does this come from.
On the same token, republicans who, by definition, should be giving more freedoms to the people, are limiting it. This all goes down to the deal that the reublicans made with Evangelicals. I feel like both of the parties make no sense. They have changed the definition of republican to those who want to keep their money, and don't want gays to marry. I don't get it.
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