Oh dear...

Oh dear...

Favorite Post Q4

My favorite post from quarter three is my post entitled "Gross
National Happiness."

I think that this post did a successful job of combining succinct descriptions of unknown terms with links to more elaborate descriptions. I also think that I did a good job of mixing my own theories with those of the hosts of "Stuff You Should Know."

Tuesday, February 23, 2010

Let's ignore the facts...

Republicans kep telling us that because it is snowing, global warimng is impossible.  I don't understand how people believe this.

Not only are nearly all scientists in agrement that global warming is happening, but ontop of that, most scientists predicted that snowfall would increase.  Warmer weather means more water vapor evaporates into the atmosphere, leading to more precipitation.

Beyond that, global warming is based on an average of what is happening across the world, not what is happening in one place.  The Daily Show clip portrays this.

The Daily Show With Jon StewartMon - Thurs 11p / 10c
Unusually Large Snowstorm
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I just don't understand why people will ignore the facts so pointedly.  For someone who doesn't believe in global warming, do you want to ruin the world for your ancestors, are you simply stupid, or do you think you are smarter than all of the experts?


  1. I think you're really head-on with those questions. I had a conversation with a guy I know (anecdote time...) about global warming and he insisted belief in anthropogenic climate change was the equivalent of ascribing to the "church of climate science." I then asked him why he didn't believe in climate change and he said it was because the science wasn't "exact enough" to prove warming was anthropogenic. When I asked him whether he had any evidence supporting his claims, he said he did not, because it's not something worth looking in to. I really have a hard time believing a 17 year old has single-handedly outwitted most of the scientific community merely by criticizing their method of extracting information about climate averages, and I have to wonder when scientific predictions become "exact enough" for people to accept that global warming is human-driven. Perhaps the implications of climate science make it hard for people to take responsibility for, either because they're greedy and don't want to spend the money to help prevent the earth from going down the tubes, or because they just can't grasp it in their heads. It's pretty ridiculous.

    (Also, that episode of the Daily Show is win.)

  2. Yeah, one of the main reasons why Republicans do not believe in global warming is because it doesn't exist. Ever since the Copenhagen Climate Change talks, even more Republicans are doubting global warming because the evidence presented was FUDGED. Professors and scientists at a university in the UK investigated many of the global warming facts presented at the talks because they were skeptical, and as they predicted the facts were FALSE. I have never heard anyone say that global warming doesn't exist because "it's snowing outside now."

  3. About the isolated case of 'fudged' statistics that Nick was talking about: the facts were fudged and that is certainly not an ethical thing to do, but why do you think that they did it. Is it part of a conspiracy to make everyone in the world of global worming for some unknown reason, or is it because they realized that the only way to get lazy Americans off of their keesters is to make the statistics more dramatic. A few pieces of a percent aren't going to convince many Americans who don't really understand the way that the complex environment of the earth works. I don't condone what these scientists did, but not believing in global warming because of what they did would be like not believing that 9/11 happened because Bush lied about Nukes. Also, about never hearing anyone claim that it is snowing, did you see the clip, that is what they did. A senator set up a snowman with his son that said essentially that god will stop the snow when Obama stops pushing global warming.

    As to Michelle: before we get republicans to agree that global warming is human caused, we need to get them to agree that it is happening.
