Oh dear...

Oh dear...

Favorite Post Q4

My favorite post from quarter three is my post entitled "Gross
National Happiness."

I think that this post did a successful job of combining succinct descriptions of unknown terms with links to more elaborate descriptions. I also think that I did a good job of mixing my own theories with those of the hosts of "Stuff You Should Know."

Monday, November 30, 2009

How do we place blame?

NBA star Antoine Walker is a multimillionaire, though he came from much more humble roots.  He went to Mount Carmel High School, on Chicago's south side.

Recently, a series of buildings that his company owns were called 'slum housing' by the city.  I came across this story while fingering through the Chicago Tribune (which is something that I rarely do as I prefer internet news).  It seemed odd that we would blame Walker, a mere figurehead for a company which he is a hands-off investor.

It got me to thinking.  Most liberals will claim that the current economic downturn is Bush's fault.  Most conservatives will blame Obama's stimulus and Clinton's involvement in credit default swaps on the current economic downturn.  It seems odd that we can take a complex issue like an intricate modern economy and make it one or two man's fault.

I think that we do this because as  humans we love to blame.  Blaming a faceless mass like 'the system' is not personal enough we need a figure head.  Its a shame that we are so obtuse to true issues and choose to indiscriminately blame figure heads.  Its not only a shame for the politicians who want to make their county better, but also for us, the public that would benefit from a better country.

The same goes for Walker.  The Title of the article was that the "City Targets" Walker.  He may not actually have had any say over how his property was handled, but we wanted to find a face that we all could recognize, then run out to our sheds to sharpen our pitchforks and light our torches.... I have to go and get mine now.

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